Shoes on. Check. Carefully apply new grip. Feels totally awkward.

While waiting for the G30's to be made, decided to just chip til the grip feels normal. As a youth, chipping and pitching was just slower, smaller versions of hitting the ball. YouTube and Phil Mickelson (and his short game guru Dave Pelz) taught me how to chip (at least in one school) properly - hinge and hold.

Wow. What a difference.

Then poked around for insight on the short shot stance. I've always heard to play it off the back foot. Elk gave me the insight that it's still off the inside of the left foot if you just imagine the right leg not being there, since the right foot is positioned wherever for feel. Another aha.

Chip til my back hurts. Stop. Repeat. Til grip feels normal. Days go by...
(via Jiro on iPhone)