Ask google about golf club heft, and eventually you're lead to the concept of swing weight (and in the other corner, MOI). Read a bit, basically grok'd the concept, crossed paths with guru Tom Wishon and ended up buying a swing weight machine to put numbers to it.
Turns out my G30s are really head-heavy. Way more than the D0 swing weight of my Eye 2's and the advertised D0 swing weight of the G30s. Turns out that the longer you extend the shaft, swing weight increases and so does the feeling of heft. My wedges were really heavy, in the E range (D's goes fro0 up to 9, then to E zero and continues). So, by going through club fitting and getting longer than "standard" clubs, ended up with really heavy feeling clubs. Taller doesn't mean stronger.
It gets weirder. The Doc that fitted me said to not worry about swing weight. So assumed that meant I'd be getting standard D0 swing weight clubs. Turns out the steel heads of the irons are the same regardless of the fitting you get, so there's no way to avoid getting heavier clubs if you get fitted and are taller than "standard". Of course, if they're really custom made, then it's not an issue, but clubs for the people are mass produced.
So followed Crossfield's advice, got fitted, and ended up with leaden clubs. At least now I understand the cause of the excessive heft. Read on the net that Popeye-armed pros play about D3 swing weight irons. Sigh.
(via Jiro on iPhone)