Arrived at the summer digs and getting the practice regime organized. At 2000 meters elevation, there's a bit of flight distance inflation, so need care to not let that get to my head, which means not worrying about flight distance while here.
Hands need rest for a while, so it's a lot of work working on posture and grounding, the rotation and pivot, and body controlled half swings. Wedges at 50 yards will do fine.
Goal for the summer is to master the drills Trevor prescribed recently, and rebuild the swing. Plan on getting out on the course more, with focus on driver consistency, and the short game. Plan to track good data on that to focus the practice sessions. Wanting to work on the scramble takes pressure off the approaches, especially the longer ones. Plenty of time to work on that once I head south in the fall. Need to keep half the focus on the driver to keep up strength and speed training, and to ensure the swing rebuild drills with the wedge scale up to the other end of the spectrum. Maybe work out weekly sessions with Mark Bradley, the pro here...we'll see how that goes.
Cool and green and fresh mountain air at the moment. Looking forward to heading there tomorrow to get introduced to the folks at the course and get the routine all set up.