Working through all the joints and muscles. Done working through the body being sore. Now at three bags, it's now the hands and wrists taking a bit of beating. Icing after sport is something I've not done, but now it does wonders for inflammation and getting the soreness down after the day's work. Read it promotes more circulation which is the healing factor. Advil's not the best thing for you so stay away from those except on bad days. Stretching prior is a must. And what helps heaps is warming up prior, then start by hitting a few short punches to things flowing.
Distance and accuracy is improving, though it still takes a bit to get into the groove. Currently working on not "flipping". Flipping is easy to do if you've fast hands, good coordination and short clubs. Figured out on the Tube that over time and under pressure, it becomes a barrier to getting to the next level. So, weeding this out of the swing early. Undo on the Mac is easy. Undo from body memory is hard.
I'm getting curious about distances the short irons are flying. Of course my brain wants to compare... what's average? what do the pros hit? etc. So read up on that a bit to get a sense for distances with modern lofts.
Back when, blue sticks were 200, whites 150 and reds 100. Now time to get a laser.
(via Jiro on iPhone)